Tahn Firehorn

Tahn Firehorn

Full name: Tahn Firehorn
Birthday: May 11
Age (Book One): 29 years
Species: Human
Role: Dragonslayer / Body Guard
Eye Colour: Deep brown
Hair Colour: Brown stubble
Place of Birth: Firehorn Village


Standing at almost two metres tall and bulging with muscles, Tahn wears a leopard print loincloth and bearskin cloak.


At first David thinks the mysterious Dragonslayer hired to protect them is all muscle and no brains, but the silent warrior bears a deeper understanding of what’s going on than one might guess…


Hand-to-hand combat, fighting with an axe or broadsword, scaling cliffs, wrestling goblins, running for days on end and slaying the occassional dragon. Not so good at polite conversation.
